The Greatest Love Of All


Why invest in a professional boudoir session with Laura Squire Studios, when you could use the same money to buy a dishwasher or another fun domestic appliance instead?  You could even buy a couple of years' worth of yummy cat food!

Well, my clients generally tell me they do it for one of four reasons.  The first is for their partner.  For example, the partner might be posted abroad and missing his lover.  Saucy pictures will spice up his long lonely evenings and encourage him to  come straight home from leave and not be distracted by wicked sexy foreigners.  Distance can put a strain on any relationship and reminding him of the gorgeous woman waiting in the marital bed can work wonders.

A second reason is when you are looking for a lover.  One of our tasteful yet sassy studio images posted on a dating website or attached to a romantic & steamy love letter sure beats a grainy selfie taken in your bathroom.   

A third very common reason is to prove motivation when dieting or on an exercise regime . Through my lighting, posing and my amazing editor's magic, pounds can be shed and double chins reduced.  You then have goal to work for - the pictures are of the woman you wish to become.  Many of my clients do this and they tell me it works.  It is what psychologists call 'visualising your goal'.  You could do this in your head, but seeing what you hope to  become is considerably more effective.

The last and possibly best reason is that your session is just for you.  You are beautiful and we can manifest that through our work.  We bring out your essence and commemorate it.  You see the woman that you know you are reflected in our work and surely this is the greatest love of all. 

Schedule a time in my calendar and let’s chat!

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I Am Too Shy To Have A Boudoir Session!

Shyness is like being frozen in terror at night when you hear a creak and imagine it might be a bogeyman or a bloodthirsty intruder.  Even if your fears are correct and there really is a burglar in the house, hiding your head under the pillow won't save you.  Far better would be to grab the nearest weapon  - a full chamber pot will do at a pinch - and race towards the perceived threat yelling at the top of your lungs.  You will feel a little daft if the cause is your new cat, but at least you won't lie awake for hours, your eyes bulging in terror.

As with all fears, the best way to deal with shyness is through confrontation.   You can't cure it by taking baby steps; you cure it by throwing yourself into the very centre of the maelstrom.  For example, If you feel nervous about expressing your views, don't mumble, whisper, or sit silently in the back row of the room; stride onto the stage, strut and shout. If you are attracted to someone at a party, don't imagine that avoiding eye contact and huddling in a corner will get their attention. He or she is not going to penetrate your mind and read your thoughts if you make yourself invisible. Far better, is to gaze into their eyes and flirt shamelessly.

A boudoir session can be especially stressful for shy people, but it is another example of the need to confront the object of fear.  What is there to worry about?  Will the photographer laugh at your plumpish tummy, sneer mercilessly at a few stretchmarks or have a hysterical meltdown at the size of your breasts?  Rest assured that Laura Squire has photographed hundreds of women of all shapes and sizes.  She will put you at your ease and help you discover your inner beauty.  Whether curvy or svelte, tall or short, you will learn to accept yourself for who you are. What's more you will come away with a collection of professionally edited pictures and a huge increase in self confidence.  

Don't be crippled by shyness.  Take the plunge today.

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My Husband Is Too Mean

Never fall for this one:

Wife: I am considering a boudoir session.

Husband: Why spend all that money? Let's buy a camera and I'll take pictures of you.  It will be so much cheaper.

Wife: OK

So, after a few weeks of research, a top of the range Nikon appears at the door and is promptly moved  to the 'man cave'.   The husband disappears too ... for a very long time.  When he does show himself, he looks a bit haggard and is muttering weird technical things like "depth of field" and "bloody ISO". More boxes arrive containing costly lenses, which the husband explains are essential  for his 'craft'.

Finally, the day comes.  The kids are sent to see a movie and a far too confident husband appears wielding his new toy.   "Do something," he instructs his wife.  They look at each other thoughtfully and he suggests that she stands on one leg while displaying her 'sexy bits'.  The session has begun. 

An hour or so later, husband and wife review the images.  Things are not good. 

"Should my hands and ears look quite so big and shouldn't my nose be in focus? And why is this one so blurry?  And these look kind of blueish. And, I  know I am bit curvy, but .. OH MY GOD".  Shouts and tears ensue.  The wife  retreats to the bathroom and the husband returns to the den furiously clutching a beer.

Time passes.  the camera is traded in for a session ticket for the Giants and the wife is sadly looking at the credit card statement.    It could have been so much better.

The Moral of the Story: Avoid marital conflict and invest  in a boudoir session with Laura Squire Studios today.  You know it makes sense! Check out some before and afters from sessions and get in touch!

Laura Squire Studios is based on the coast in Half Moon Bay and serves the entire San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, Monterey and beyond. Come to the coast to be pampered for a day! You know you deserve it.

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