My Husband Is Too Mean

Never fall for this one:

Wife: I am considering a boudoir session.

Husband: Why spend all that money? Let's buy a camera and I'll take pictures of you.  It will be so much cheaper.

Wife: OK

So, after a few weeks of research, a top of the range Nikon appears at the door and is promptly moved  to the 'man cave'.   The husband disappears too ... for a very long time.  When he does show himself, he looks a bit haggard and is muttering weird technical things like "depth of field" and "bloody ISO". More boxes arrive containing costly lenses, which the husband explains are essential  for his 'craft'.

Finally, the day comes.  The kids are sent to see a movie and a far too confident husband appears wielding his new toy.   "Do something," he instructs his wife.  They look at each other thoughtfully and he suggests that she stands on one leg while displaying her 'sexy bits'.  The session has begun. 

An hour or so later, husband and wife review the images.  Things are not good. 

"Should my hands and ears look quite so big and shouldn't my nose be in focus? And why is this one so blurry?  And these look kind of blueish. And, I  know I am bit curvy, but .. OH MY GOD".  Shouts and tears ensue.  The wife  retreats to the bathroom and the husband returns to the den furiously clutching a beer.

Time passes.  the camera is traded in for a session ticket for the Giants and the wife is sadly looking at the credit card statement.    It could have been so much better.

The Moral of the Story: Avoid marital conflict and invest  in a boudoir session with Laura Squire Studios today.  You know it makes sense! Check out some before and afters from sessions and get in touch!

Laura Squire Studios is based on the coast in Half Moon Bay and serves the entire San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, Monterey and beyond. Come to the coast to be pampered for a day! You know you deserve it.


A Sassy Firefighter’s Boudoir Session


Why we include hair and makeup with every boudoir session (and why you will love it)