boudoir session Laura Squire boudoir session Laura Squire

Ms Hope from Discovery Bay, CA

Hope is a mother of two and she wanted a little bit of “me” time. Like all the new mothers out there, we love our children to bits but now and then we need to feel refreshed and energized and doing something for ourselves. What better way than enjoying a confidence boosting boudoir session where you are the centre of attention for a full day?

At Laura Squire Studios we help you in so many ways! Makeovers are always on point (as one of my clients said just recently), we help you with wardrobe selection (and we offer pieces from our client closet as well), I always guide you throughout the shoot and create something different and special for each one of you.

Here is her gallery! You can tell she loves purple, posing and being herself! I loved having you in the studio and thank you for letting me share your beautiful pictures.

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I Am Too Shy To Have A Boudoir Session!

Shyness is like being frozen in terror at night when you hear a creak and imagine it might be a bogeyman or a bloodthirsty intruder.  Even if your fears are correct and there really is a burglar in the house, hiding your head under the pillow won't save you.  Far better would be to grab the nearest weapon  - a full chamber pot will do at a pinch - and race towards the perceived threat yelling at the top of your lungs.  You will feel a little daft if the cause is your new cat, but at least you won't lie awake for hours, your eyes bulging in terror.

As with all fears, the best way to deal with shyness is through confrontation.   You can't cure it by taking baby steps; you cure it by throwing yourself into the very centre of the maelstrom.  For example, If you feel nervous about expressing your views, don't mumble, whisper, or sit silently in the back row of the room; stride onto the stage, strut and shout. If you are attracted to someone at a party, don't imagine that avoiding eye contact and huddling in a corner will get their attention. He or she is not going to penetrate your mind and read your thoughts if you make yourself invisible. Far better, is to gaze into their eyes and flirt shamelessly.

A boudoir session can be especially stressful for shy people, but it is another example of the need to confront the object of fear.  What is there to worry about?  Will the photographer laugh at your plumpish tummy, sneer mercilessly at a few stretchmarks or have a hysterical meltdown at the size of your breasts?  Rest assured that Laura Squire has photographed hundreds of women of all shapes and sizes.  She will put you at your ease and help you discover your inner beauty.  Whether curvy or svelte, tall or short, you will learn to accept yourself for who you are. What's more you will come away with a collection of professionally edited pictures and a huge increase in self confidence.  

Don't be crippled by shyness.  Take the plunge today.

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My Husband Is Too Mean

Never fall for this one:

Wife: I am considering a boudoir session.

Husband: Why spend all that money? Let's buy a camera and I'll take pictures of you.  It will be so much cheaper.

Wife: OK

So, after a few weeks of research, a top of the range Nikon appears at the door and is promptly moved  to the 'man cave'.   The husband disappears too ... for a very long time.  When he does show himself, he looks a bit haggard and is muttering weird technical things like "depth of field" and "bloody ISO". More boxes arrive containing costly lenses, which the husband explains are essential  for his 'craft'.

Finally, the day comes.  The kids are sent to see a movie and a far too confident husband appears wielding his new toy.   "Do something," he instructs his wife.  They look at each other thoughtfully and he suggests that she stands on one leg while displaying her 'sexy bits'.  The session has begun. 

An hour or so later, husband and wife review the images.  Things are not good. 

"Should my hands and ears look quite so big and shouldn't my nose be in focus? And why is this one so blurry?  And these look kind of blueish. And, I  know I am bit curvy, but .. OH MY GOD".  Shouts and tears ensue.  The wife  retreats to the bathroom and the husband returns to the den furiously clutching a beer.

Time passes.  the camera is traded in for a session ticket for the Giants and the wife is sadly looking at the credit card statement.    It could have been so much better.

The Moral of the Story: Avoid marital conflict and invest  in a boudoir session with Laura Squire Studios today.  You know it makes sense! Check out some before and afters from sessions and get in touch!

Laura Squire Studios is based on the coast in Half Moon Bay and serves the entire San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, Monterey and beyond. Come to the coast to be pampered for a day! You know you deserve it.

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boudoir studio Laura Squire boudoir studio Laura Squire

Why we include hair and makeup with every boudoir session (and why you will love it)

We include Professional Hair and Makeup with all our boudoir sessions for two reasons.

The first is simply because our studio equipment (cameras, lenses) are top of the line and will pick up every pore and hair on your beautiful face (no one wants that though, am I right?). Having your hair and makeup done hides any imperfections you may have on the day of your shoot and helps accentuate your bone structure, eyes, etc. which will really stand out in your photos! Our Hair and Makeup Artists will work with you on creating the perfect look that best suits you and your style.

The second reason is that a boudoir session can be a little intimidating for most people and that’s totally understandable. We want to make this experience as relaxing and stress free as possible for you, which is why we include Professional Hair and Makeup.

Most women walk through our door on the day of their session anxious for their shoot, but we found that all goes away once their Hair and Makeup is done! Your confidence gets a little boost when you look in the mirror and see your bombshell curls and makeup.

Thinking about planning a shoot?

We would love to chat with you about booking your own boudoir experience with us.

To inquire: go here OR click the button below !

Irene Rios is our fabulous Hair and Makeup Artist. She is amazingly talented and we promise you will love the results!

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Raghu M Raghu M

A special gift for your significant other with Wedding Boudoir photography

Being married isn’t just about finding someone to tie the knot with; it is about cherishing the special bond with your other half. It is about vowing to share your entire life together for the rest of eternity.

Being married isn’t just about finding someone to tie the knot with; it is about cherishing the special bond with your other half. It is about vowing to share your entire life together for the rest of eternity. No matter how much you are in love, when you have the power to love yourself only then you can love others deeper. But, do you really love yourself? Amidst the backlash of societal norms and the minute conflicts that you have with your partner, can you really get time to cherish the relationship that you have with yourself? Well, if you want to commemorate a bit of self-love while getting something steamy for your partner then wedding boudoir photography can be an excellent idea? Why? Let’s find out! 


Live the mushy good old dating days again

Do you remember when you first met your spouse? The old-world charm, the lovely dates the nights filled with romance. Weren’t all those moments amazing? Well, now you can relive the same old moments with a bit more intimacy. When you pose in front of the camera with your partner you can always bring nostalgia into the photo sessions by recreating the same moments of love.


A tease show for the later days

You can go for a boudoir shoot to surprise your partner. The boudoir shoot can be a tease that you can gift your spouse on your honeymoon. Your partner will simply love the idea and you can recreate the moments with your partner later as well. All you need to do is to get some sexy lingerie and you will be all set for the camera to be photographed. 



Something to cherish for a lifetime

Boudoir photos will be your escapade from the hectic days of life. When you two fight or return home from a gruesome day at work, boudoir photos can be your cue to cherish for a lifetime. Just look at your gallery wall or your boudoir wall and relive the old moments that made your wedding memorable. 


A remembrance token to rekindle your flame of love

As time passes by couples often forget the spark that keeps their relationship alive. Remember those days when you couldn’t just keep your hands off each other? Well, whether  you will have  some steamy pre-wedding boudoir photos with your spouse or alone,  you can use the photos as a remembrance token to rekindle your flame of love. 



Gone are the days when marriage was just a social construct for uniting two people in the sacred vow of togetherness. Nowadays having a wedding is about celebrating one of the biggest milestones of life. With Laura Squire Studios, boudoir photography in San Francisco, couples can reinvent their bond and find the spark that connects them with each other. Love is all about embracing a person with perfections and flaws and Boudoir is all about celebrating imperfections with beauty. So, have you embraced the intimacy of Boudoir yet? 

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maternity boudoir Raghu M maternity boudoir Raghu M

The Surreal Beauty of a Boudoir Maternity Session

Motherhood is no less than a marvel. Women go through a series of unreal changes in their life. Ranging from breaking the boundaries of societal taboos specified by society to getting married and raising a child inside their womb, women depict the true act of valor and compassion in their lifetime.

Motherhood is no less than a marvel. Women go through a series of unreal changes in their life. Ranging from breaking the boundaries of societal taboos specified by society to getting married and raising a child inside their womb, women depict the true act of valor and compassion in their lifetime. As a woman, coping up with the dynamism of life can often be overwhelming, but keeping a memoir of how you have grown can be a real help. For example, once you were a Lil girl, but now when you are going to be a mother of your Lil one, going for a Boudoir maternity shoot can give you a glimpse of how you are bringing a new life into the world. 

If you are still on the fence about opting for maternity Boudoir photography in San Francisco, here is why every expectant mother should go for a Boudoir maternity shoot.


Embracing pregnancy the way it is

For many women, pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but for some, it doesn’t always feel that way. You might be lucky enough to enjoy some perks like luxurious locks, glowing skin, and an absolutely adorable baby bump, but you are also more likely going to see the downsides of pregnancy. Ranging from the newfound tiger stripes or stretch marks to the swollen ankles and rollercoaster of mood swings, becoming a mother isn’t easy. But when you don’t feel like rocking the whole pregnancy thing, you can always opt for a Boudoir photo shoot to spice up the less-than-enjoyable moments with stunning maternity photos. 


Affirm your individuality

As an expectant mother, you might think of devoting your entire life to your little one, but you are so much more than just being a mother. Go for a Boudoir shoot to remind yourself that you will always be your own self along with being a mother. The shoot will be quite a relaxing experience. It will free up so much mental space that you can live your life without any heavy dripping cloud of self-doubt clouding your judgment.


Witness the miracle of motherhood

We understand that you can’t wear your favorite jeans or your favorite jumpsuits now. But, woman, you can look like a true diva even when you are pregnant. The real magic of becoming a mother lies in the initial days when you see a child grow inside you. The little nuances with the subtle kicks and the feeling of your child growing with you will stay with you forever in the form of Boudoir photos.  



Don’t fear your imperfections. As a mother, you are going to be the real masterpiece that Almighty has bestowed upon humanity. Expectant mothers radiate happiness and joy and there is no better time to be photographed than when you are at the most vibrant stage of your beauty. When you are growing and glowing, go for Boudoir photography in San Francisco, pose like a true goddess in front of the camera and get marvelous maternity photographs that represent your beauty in true essence. 

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boudoir session Laura Squire boudoir session Laura Squire

Lenore from Modesto, CA

I had the pleasure of photographing Lenore both in the studio and on the beach. Her session included the Dark Angel Wings, the Green Forest illusion robe and the Eternal Ember Mermaid Tail.

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boudoir session Laura Squire boudoir session Laura Squire

Ms Monica from Santa Rosa,CA

We had a blast with Monica, from Santa Rosa, California. This was her 2nd session with us, this time in our studio in Half Moon Bay. She wanted to try out one of our gorgeous mermaid tails both in the studio and on the beach! She had a blast! Can you tell? This beautiful plus size lady allowed herself to be pampered and to have some lovely images that she will cherish forever!

We offer extensions on the beach with or without mermaid tails so please ask us about them! They are such a fun way to end your glam day !

Photography by Laura Squire, Principal Photographer

Image Editing by Mark Squire, Principal Editor

Hair and Makeup by Irene Rios, Aqua Beauty Lounge

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boudoir studio Laura Squire boudoir studio Laura Squire

Great News! We moved into a brand new studio!

A boudoir space in the making.. not ready yet but almost! Just need to add some plants and color.

Hi everyone,

If you follow us on Instagram, Facebook or are in my VIP Facebook group you may have already heard the big news! We are thrilled we seized the opportunity to move into a new space in downtown Half Moon Bay! It didn’t happen overnight: between emails, lease signing, hardwood floor installation and painting jobs, installation of furniture, and last but not least continuing boudoir sessions at the home studio, April has been a rollercoaster month!

But, starting in May 2021, we have a beautiful place! When you book a session with us your will be enjoying your time in this new space. And it’s only half ready still, with one more room still to be available soon!!! But check this out! We have beautiful light, lovely furnishings and a beautiful space for an unforgettable experience. Mark and I will work together here to create amazing, sensual pictures for you!!

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Laura Squire Laura Squire

A successful 2020. Happy New Year!

We had a trying but fruitful year. Boudoir sessions were few, but my clients were positive and enthusiastic and ready to express or regain their confidence.

Despite the grim outlook at the beginning, it’s been a year filled with love and comfort, and several amazing clients showed up to experience boudoir for the first time and take away some beautiful images. I am so grateful for all of you who did! Now that a vaccine is available, I am so excited and ready for 2021!

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